Thursday, April 21, 2011

Japan: High Levels of Radiation in Ocean Water Around the Nuclear Power Plant

Samples of seawater taken 360 yards off shore from Japan’s failed nuclear power plant is showing dangerous levels of radioactivity. It is 1,250 times the legal safety limit. Three workers at the plant were treated for burns after standing in radiation tainted water at the power plant.  The unusually high rates of radiation found in the turbine room and now in the ocean have officials concerned that the water used in cooling the reactors is seeping into the ocean. This would bring a longer lasting and highly risky form of contamination.  The ocean water outside the nuclear plant is dangerous. Just a half a liter of this water contains an equal amount of radiation that is the limit for an adult over a years time. Officials said the radiation would be diluted as it is carried out to sea.


  1. so do u think that the radiation being deluted could help decrease the amount of damage it causes to the oceans ecesystems???

  2. No the radiation is killing the ocean
